Effective Speeding Camera Photo Ticket Defense: No Speed Limit Sign Posted At Interchange.
Posted by Phantom Tag Protector on 8th Oct 2023
Common Scenario:
Imagine this scenario, you’re traveling on a major highway with a posted speed limit of 65mph ( let’s say I-75), and then at an interchange, you’ve selected to switch directly onto another major highway with a reduced speed limit of 50mph (let’s say I-255).
Furthermore, image that you’re not a frequent traveler between these two major highways, and upon exiting off I-75, you’ve maintained your speed of 65mph onto I-255. Finally, image you getting a photo radar speeding ticket, at or prior to, the first posted sign of 50mph while traveling on I-295. What would you do? Would you bother to challenge this violation against you in court? In this blog post, there will be discussions on why this kind of traffic violation entrapment exist, what most drivers are erroneously doing in such situation, what you’re recommended to do instead, and how Phantom Tag Protector can be used to protector your license plate from being issued revenue driven bogus photo ticket violation in the future.
Revenue Machinery of Automated Traffic Enforcement Camera Systems:
As we all are aware of by now, traffic enforcement camera systems across the United States and Canada,
Instead these systems are revenue generating machines to support the funding of State/Province, City, and County and/or Municipal government operation. In the scenario described above, most divers are simply paying these automated traffic enforcement camera system violations. There are multiple of reasons why this quick to pay attitude exist among drivers, but the underlining contributor to this attitude is the fact that it often cost drivers more to challenge these bogus violations in court, than it’s to simply pay the fine and move on with their lives. However, these for profit private corporations are banking on the fact that most drivers won’t take the time to challenge these bogus violations in court where most of them would be dismissed, if challenged
Photo Enforcement Traffic Ticket Entrapment:
Now, let’s take an in-depth look at why the previously mentioned scenario above is labeled and is in fact an entrapment.
Traffic regulations require that drivers to be properly informed of roadways speed limits, and that’s why posted speed limit signs are supposed to be adequately posted on public roadways, both along highways, and throughout local communities. Considering this traffic regulation requirement in light of the about scenario, it’s clear to understand why the issuance of the above speeding violation is unjustified. For the above issued speeding violation to have been valid, drivers switching from I-75 with a posted speed limit of 65mph, to I-255 with a lesser speed limit of 50mph, must adequately be informed of the speed limit of I-255 before they can be held responsible for traveling in excess of such speed limit. A visible posted speed limit sign of 50mph on I-255, after the above driver entered onto I-255 and prior to the point at which the photo violation was issued, could have satisfied the requirement to inform drivers. The entrapment label is valid here, because most drivers transitioning from one highway and directly onto another will automatically and reasonably assume that their last sighted posted speed limit is applicable until told otherwise by another posted speed limit sign. Therefore, by placing a photo enforcement speeding camera in an area where most, if not all drivers, are expecting the speed limit to be higher than it actually is, this photo enforcement speeding camera system will by default photograph more vehicles traveling above the speed limit, although these drivers weren’t properly informed as required by traffic regulation guidelines.
Post Violation Issuance Recommendations:
For the reasons listed above, along with others not mentioned in this publication, we encourage drivers to consistently challenge each and every photo enforcement traffic violation issued against them. One’s courtroom
argument in the scenario above would simply be the fact that you, the driver,
were not properly informed of the highway posted speed limit being that you did not encounter any posted speed limit sign on that particular stretch of highway prior to the point at which the photo enforcement speeding camera ticket was issued. Since this ripping off of motorist goes well beyond an individual driver, even if challenging a violation ends up costing more than it would be to just pay the initial fine and move on. This individualistic attitude is only further empowering the collective ripping off of motorist across the United States and Canada.Preventing Future Bogus Photo Ticket Violation Issuance:
We’ve dealt with the post violation aspect of being issued a photo enforcement traffic violation, so let’s now turn our attention to a very effective and discrete measure in preventing bogus photo enforcement ticket issuance.
Essentially, phantom tag protector, as its name suggests, protects your privacy while you’re traveling in the privacy of your own automobile. Whether it’s the anti camera, or it’s the anti photo, or maybe you’ll need its anti radar and/or its anti scanner protection, phantom tag protector is guaranteed to deliver the right to privacy protection you deserve. Even if you ultimately succeed in getting your photo enforcement camera ticket dismissed, the cost of success may in fact be more expensive; CLICK HERE: to see how. This is why the best protection is preventing being issued bogus photo enforcement camera tickets in the first place, buy installing Phantom Tag Protectors over your automobile and/or motorcycle license plate. CLICK HERE: for a detail pictorial and text description on how a Phantom Tag Protector works.
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