The superiority of our phantom tag protector license plate product is readily apparent in several areas. Phantom Tag Protectors are seamlessly manufactured. The high tech anti photo lens runs the entire length and width of our Phantom Tag Protectors. Therefore, the license plate cover and the anti photo lens seamlessly complements each other and appears to be one in the same. Phantom Tag Protectors are designed to endure extreme outdoors weather conditions and temperature for years to come. So, the inevitable aging of our product is always very slow, seamless and consistent throughout, as the brand new and 2 year old side-by-side comparison photos below illustrates.

On the other hand as illustrated in the photos below, the inferiority of our "competitor's" cover is readily apparent, even in its new condition and its close similarity to phantom tag protector. Looking at it in its new condition, it is very obvious that the license plate cover and the piece of interior lens were not made together. Instead, the lens was poorly cut (does not run the entire length and width of the license plate cover) and was glued onto a clear license plate cover. The yellowing of the anti photo lens is currently in a very advanced state after only a few months of usage. So, a quick glance at a photo mask cover in its brand new state may seems identical to that of a phantom tag protector, but closer examination has proven otherwise.

Our next competitor's product shown below in its new condition also illustrates evidence of inferiority compare to that of a phantom tag protector. It too has an anti photo lens that fails to cover the entire length and width of the license plate cover, was poorly cut and thus does not have the seamless manufacturing qualities of a phantom tag protector. After only a few months of usage as illustrated in the used product photo above, the cover started to show signs of discoloration, thus making it easily detectable and attracts unwanted attention. Therefore, fresh out the box and at a brief glance, The Blur cover may seems equitable to a phantom tag protector, but upon careful examination, we found that isn't the case.