Phantom Tag Protector v. The Competitions
Posted by Phantom Tag Protector on 29th Apr 2023
o | PHANTOM TAG PROTECTOR AKA: THE PHANTOM $39.99 (33% OFF $59.99 MSRP) | Photo Mask Cover $49.99 AKA: License Plate Protector $33.99 | ONTRACK: AKA THE BLUR; AKA LICENSE PLATE SHIELD $24.99 AND UP |
Product Photo (New) | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Product Photo (Used) | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
2 Year Old Phantom Tag Protector | 6 Month Old Photo Mask Cover | 7 Month Old ONTRACK/The Blur | |
Appearance | The superiority of our product is readily apparent in several areas. Phantom Tag Protectors are seamlessly manufactured. The high tech anti photo lens runs the entire length and width of our Phantom Tag Protectors. Therefore, the license plate cover and the anti photo lens seamlessly complements each other and appears to be one in the same. Phantom Tag Protectors are designed to endure extreme outdoors weather conditions and temperature for years to come. So, the inevitable aging of our product is always very slow, seamless and consistent throughout, as the 2 year old photo above illustrates. | On the other hand, the inferiority of the above "competitor's" cover is readily apparent, even in its new condition and its close similarity to phantom tag protector. Looking at it in its new condition, it is very obvious that the license plate cover and the piece of interior lens were not made together. Instead, the lens was poorly cut (does not run the entire length and width of the license plate cover) and was glued onto a clear license plate cover. The yellowing of the anti photo lens is currently in a very advanced state after only a few months of usage.So, a quick glance at a photo mask cover in its brand new state may seems identical to that of a phantom tag protector, but closer examination has proven otherwise. | Our next competitor's product shown above in its new condition also illustrates evidence of inferiority compare to that of a phantom tag protector. It too has an anti photo lens that fails to cover the entire length and width of the license plate cover, was poorly cut and thus does not have the seamless manufacturing qualities of a phantom tag protector. After only a few months of usage as illustrated in the used product photo above, the cover started to show signs of discoloration, thus making it easily detectable and attracts unwanted attention.Therefore, fresh out the box and at a brief glance, The Blur cover may seems equatable to a phantom tag protector, but upon careful examination, we found that isn't the case. |
Stealthiness (Undetectability) | Phantom Tag Protectors are manufactured with professional precision color matching and accurate measurements, therefore each cover appears seamless in its entirety. Our goal from the onset was to have each phantom tag protector appears identical to regular non anti-photo license plate cover, and we have accomplished this through the seamless designing of our product. Therefore, phantom tag protectors are very stealthy and virtually undetectable. This stealth and undetectability remains even after years of usage , as illustrated in the used phantom tag protector photo above. | Because Photo Mask Covers aren't seamlessly manufactured, as noted above, it's anti-photo lens is easily detectable and can be readily differentiated from the overall license plate cover. Therefore, stealthiness and undetectability can't be readily associated with a photo mask cover, even in its brand new condition. Even worst, photo mask covers aren't built to endure extended exposure to extreme outdoors environmental conditions, as its 6 month old used cover above illustrates. Such advanced discoloration, in such short period of time, further makes photo mask cover not stealthy and readily attracts unwanted attention, especially from the law enforcement community. | Like the previously mentioned photo mask cover, Ontrack/The Blur isn't seamlessly manufactured. It's anti photo lens is readily distinguishable from the overall license plate cover. As a result, the stealthiness and undetectability associated with phantom tag protectors, isn't the same with The Blur license plate cover. As the effect of aging starts to show on the blur license plate cover, what little stealth and undetectability it had in its new state, completely disappear, and discoloration, and fading dominate the overall appearance of the license plate cover. This level of discoloration and fading will only leads to attracting unwanted attention, especially from the law enforcement community. Discoloration and fading further leads to obscuring your license plate characters in instances when it shouldn't, such as when being viewed straight ahead and at eye level. |
Durability | Phantom Tag Protectors are built to last for years to come. Unlike our competitors' products, our license plate covers are manufactured from 100% acrylic material. Though similar in initial appearance to PVC plastic, acrylic is superior in strength and ability to resist aging, to that of PVC plastic material. Therefore, unless intentionally destroyed and/or mistreated, phantom tag protector acrylic license plate covers won't break, develop cracks and/or discoloration overtime. I must point out the discoloration around the top bolt holes on our 2yr old phantom tag protector above. This resulted from the corrosion of the metallic bolts exposure to air and moisture. We have taken steps to lessen or eliminate such bolt corrosion, by offering for sale or as free gifts, bolt caps to be installed over the usually exposed bolt heads. | Unlike the Acrylic constructed Phantom Tag Protectors, photo mask covers are manufactured from PVC plastic, and thus aren't very durable. PVC plastic easily succumb to the harsh external environment conditions, such as high/low temperatures, moisture from rain, snow and dew, and UV sunlight. As a result, photo mask covers quickly develop cracks, become brittle, and severely discolored, as its 6 month old photo above illustrates. This discoloration reduces the visibility of your license plate numbers/letters even when being viewed from straight ahead at eye level. Furthermore, PVC plastic is very un-environmentally friendly, because it's easily broken down into smaller and smaller pieces, yet not biodegradable. These microscopic pieces of PVC plastic then ends up in our soil and waterways. | Similarly to photo mask cover, Ontrack license plate cover, The Blur, is also manufactured from cheap PVC plastic, and as a result, isn't durable. As previously mentioned, PVC plastic in its new condition, appears very similar to its superior acrylic alternative. Therefore, overtime Ontrack PVC plastic manufactured products aren't able to withstand harsh exterior environmental conditions, such as extreme high/low temperatures, moisture from rain, snow and dew, and UV sunlight. These condition cause Ontrack plate covers to quickly discolor, develop crack, become brittle, and fade over time. This susceptibility to environmental conditions makes Ontrack plate covers undurable. Lastly the environmentally unfriendly qualities of PVC plastic are transferred to Ontrack products manufactured from it. |
Effectiveness | To our current, past and well researched visitors, there is no question whether phantom tag protectors are consistently effective in its anti photo fighting mission. Our ever increasing customer base and favorable customer reviews attest to this fact. Phantom Tag Protectors are effective fresh out the box, and maintain such effectiveness for years to come, by resisting the effect of aging associated with discoloration, being and remaining stealthy, and by not attracting unwanted attention. | It would be unfair to state that photo mask covers are completely ineffective in distorting and/or blurring the characters of your license plate, because that isn't the case. However, considering its poor precision in manufacturing, and/or construction, photo mask covers effectiveness is very limited and/or short lived. In its new condition, photo mask cover anti photo lens fail to runs the entire length and width of its PVC plastic cover. This anti photo lens limited length and width fail to provide complete coverage of your license plate characters on the outer ends of your license plate, such as the first and last characters and even your registration sticker information, where applicable. | It would also be unfair to state that Ontract license plate covers are completely useless in distorting and/or blurring the characters of your license plate, because this in fact isn't the case. However, considering its poor precision in manufacturing, and/or construction, Ontrack license plate effectiveness is very limited and/or short lived, fresh out the box. The Blur cover anti photo lens fail to runs the entire length and width of its PVC plastic cover. This anti photo lens limited length and width fail to provide complete coverage of your license plate characters on the outer ends of your license plate, such as the first and last characters and even your registration sticker information, in applicable States. |
Upfront Cost (Note: prices as of 5/23/15) | $39.99 + Free S&H | $ 49.99 or $33.99 + Free S&H | $24.95 and Up + $7.60 S&H |
Long term Cost | $39.99 + Free S&H: (One-Time Cost/No Replacing) Our repeat customers aren't from customers who need their phantom tag protector replaced, because it has discolored (yellowed), develops cracks, or becomes brittle and ineffective overtime. Instead our repeat customers are customers who have tested out our product, convinced of its effectiveness, and have decided to make additional purchase(s) for additional vehicle(s) or to resell at market value for a profit or for replacement due to damage occurring in automobile accidents. Therefore, our customers initial investment is a one-time investment that continues to provides anti-photo defense and savings for our customers for years to come. Just one incident in which a Phantom Tag Protector prevented you from being issued an unjustified photo enforcement violation, will more than cover the upfront cost of your phantom tag protector purchase. Inevitably, your phantom tag protector will continue to protect you, and each additional incident of protection results in you saving your hard earned financial resources, or spending it appropriately as you so choose to, without duress. | $33.99 + Free S&H (Replacement Every 6 Months) The conflicting pricing of photo mask covers is already discussed in detail on our FAQ's page, and can be reviewed there, if you're not already familiar. Without a doubt however, we must point out that photo mask cover, either at its $49.99 or its $33.99 level, isn't on the superior level of that of a phantom tag protector. The value in purchasing a phantom tag protector over purchasing a photo mask cover at its $49.99 price level is very apparent, so we won't waste time justifying such. However, at first glance, one may erroneously conclude that purchasing a photo mask cover at its $33.99 price level is a great deal compare to purchasing it at $49.99. If you can look pass the inferior material and manufacturing qualities of a photo mask cover, at face value, $33.99 is certainly less than $49.99. However, the superior material, superior precision manufacturing, and design that comes with the one-time cost of $35.99 for a phantom tag protector is more valuable than the $33.99 cost for an inferior, quick to turn yellow, photo mask cover. As illustrated in the photo above, after only 6 months the cost to continue having a photo mask cover, in a somewhat decent condition, amounts to $67.98, While the one time cost of a $35.99 for a phantom tag protector still remains the same, because no replacement is needed. Therefore, the actual long term cost of a Phantom Tag Protector is 47% less that the $67.98 cost of having a photo mask cover on your vehicle. | $24.95 and Up + $7.60 (Replacement Every 7 Months) The greater value in purchasing a phantom tag protector at $35.99 over purchasing The Ontrack Blur cover at its $32.55 ($24.95 + $7.60) price level isn't readily apparent, So further analysis is needed. As, in the previous comparison between phantom tag protector with that of a photo mask cover, we've learned that lower price doesn't necessarily equates to higher value. The superior material, superior precision manufacturing, and design that comes with the one-time cost of $35.99 for a phantom tag protector is of a greater value than the $32.55 cost for the Ontrack license plate cover. In terms of long term cost, after only 7 months the cost to continue having a The Blur Ontrack cover, in an half decent condition, amounts to $65.10 due to required replacement as a result of its rapid discoloration. Alternatively, the one time cost of $35.99 for a Phantom Tag Protector remains the same, because no replacement as a result of any discoloration is required. So, from a longer term perspective of 7 months or more, phantom tag protector is actually 45% ($35.99) less than the cost of having the Ontrack Blur at $65.10. |
Conclusion | Ideally, we would like you to carefully read and consider the information provided herein, along with your own outside research, and then draw your own conclusion. However, we also understand that shoppers do have a lot of other things to worry about in their personal lives, and don't necessarily have the time and energy for tedious research and endless reading. Therefore, here's our conclusion: Phantom Tag Protector provides the lowest cost to value ratio, in comparison to photo mask cover or Ontrack license plate cover (The Blur). Our products are built to last, so your purchased price is a one-time cost that will continue to yield savings over time. To break it down in numerical long term cost, Phantom Tag Protector's ownership is 47% and 45% less than that of the ownership of Photo Mask Cover and Ontract Photo Blur, respectively. | It's conclusively clear that photo mask covers are inferior to that of phantom tag protectors, and we have provided clear and convincing evidence to support such conclusion. Photo Mask Covers are inferior in appearance, stealth, durability, effectiveness, and cost (Phantom Tag Protector long term cost is 47% less than that of owning Photo Mask Cover). Again, we encourage you to carefully read the information provided in this comparison chart, in its entirety, and then draw your own conclusion. A conclusion we believe will be consistent with the one just stated. | As in the comparison case with Photo Mask Cover, with the support of irrefutable concrete evidence, Ontrack license plate cover, The Blur, has been proven to be unable to live up to the superiority of Phantom Tag Protectors. Similar to Photo mask covers, The Blur cover is inferior in appearance, stealth, durability, effectiveness, and long term cost (Phantom Tag Protector long term cost is 45% less than that of owning The Ontrack Photo Blur). We urge customers to carryout a complete and careful review of the information presented in this comparison chart and draw their own conclusion, which we believe will be consistent with ours. |